Imagine the world without free-flowing water, wild salmon or the great white sturgeon, North America’s largest freshwater fish, an ancient species that has been patrolling rivers and estuaries for 175 million years.
My handmade paper relief sculptures, document the native fish species of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, including threatened or endangered fishes such as chinook salmon, steelhead, bull trout, sockeye salmon and white sturgeon.
Using art to present the familiar in a new way, fish are stripped down to essential form and represent a healthy river ecosystem. Health, defined as “a flourishing condition and well-being,” is a concept grounded in science yet easily understood by the public, just as a fish are something everyone has had experience with.
I have worked as a wilderness guide and outfitter for over forty years, observing firsthand the rapid and sometimes dramatic changes occurring in our physical environment. I have had the opportunity to compare Alaska’s healthy ecosystem with those of the increasingly sterile rivers of the Pacific Northwest.
Since fish first emerged over 520 million years ago, they have evolved within ecosystems that have enabled and supported their survival. Yet, in the past one hundred years, pressure from human activity has disrupted that delicate balance, resulting in diminished fish populations, that put some species at risk of extinction.
By focusing on native fishes as a barometer for river health, my hope is that this work will produce consideration for environmental sustainability, help bring awareness to ecological concerns and spark conversations about maintaining and/or rebuilding our natural resources for everyone and everything with a current or future vested interest.
-Lonnie Hutson
Lonnie Hutson is an artist, designer, wilderness guide and outfitter. As a college student at the University of Washington (Seattle), he first began exploring rivers in Washington state. After graduating he accepted an invitation from world-renowned environmentalist and founder of Grand Canyon Dories (GCD), Martin Litton, to join his Idaho crew.
For twenty years, Lonnie guided whitewater rafting and fishing trips In Idaho and the Grand Canyon. During that time, he also earned an MFA in painting and drawing. In 1999, Lonnie left GCD and co-founded Sundog Expeditions with his wife Gail Siegel. Their company provides fully-guided multi-day river adventures in Idaho, Oregon and Alaska, where they conduct float trips in Wrangell-St. Elias Park and Preserve, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and Gates of the Arctic.
During the winter months, Lonnie works at his studio/shop, near Deary, Idaho, making artwork that reflects his connection to wilderness and his concerns for a sustainable environment. In 2017, he was awarded a visual arts fellowship from the Idaho Commission on the Arts.
Michael Quist
David A Beauchamp, School of Aquatic and Fishery Science University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Andres Lopez, Curator of Fishes, University of Alaska Museum
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks AK
Michele Weaver, ESA Program Specialist
ODFW - Fish Division, Salem, OR
Brian Bangs, Native Fish Investigations- Oregon Chub
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis, OR
Kyle Brown, Anchorage, AK
Bob Warren, Eugene, OR
Gulkana Hatchery, Paxon Lake Delta Junction, AK
Moscow Contemporary
American Fisheries Society: Idaho and Western Chapters
Idaho Commission on the Arts
Curator Roger H.D. Rowley, Director Moscow Contemporary
Number of Works: 35 framed works
Frame Sizes: 12x16 to 38x86 inches, handmade paper secured to panels with plexi hoods
Running Feet: 120 linear feet
Available: Summer 2024-2029
FEE: $7,200 per 8-week period
Support Materials: Exhibition catalogue. Educational materials created with the artist and fishery scientists. Classroom STEAM activities.
Exhibition Sponsors: American Fisheries Society, Idaho and Western Chapters; Idaho Commission on the Arts
Shipping: Round-trip or One-way shipping, depending on schedule via white glove service*
Availability: Please contact Moscow Contemporary for more information: director@moscowcontemporary.org