Become a Member!
Moscow Contemporary is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit supported by its members, business sponsors, community, state and national grants, individual and corporate donations. It is through the generosity of community minded individuals & businesses that we are able to bring contemporary art and art education opportunities to Moscow free of charge.
Annual Members Receive:
Priority announcements & some discounts classes & workshops delivered to your inbox
10% off MosCo Gift Store Purchases
Mailed invitations to MosCo exhibitions and special events
Subscription to MosCo’s monthly e-newsletter
Free or reduced submission fee for open call exhibitions
Name included on our webpage
Membership Benefits by Level
Standard benefits for one person
Standard benefits for students.
To qualify for this rate, we request that the student supply school name and school email address
Standard benefits for seniors, artists, teachers and faculty, including parents who homeschool
To qualify for this rate, we request that the artist supplies the URL for their website or online portfolio, and educators supply school name and school email address
Standard benefits for up to four family members
Standard benefits for two people
Invitations to special VIP events
Patron benefits for two people
2 tickets to the 2025 Art Auction
25% discount on rental use of main gallery
Patron benefits for two people
4 tickets to the 2025 Art Auction
30% discount on rental use of main gallery
Private tour of our exhibitions upon advanced request
“Madres / Mothers” Woodcut, 46 x 32in, 2022 Artwork By Reinaldo Gil Zambrano
Photography by Linzy Berger