Our unique summer camps are based around themes related to NATURE and are STREAM driven!

We are excited to partner with PCEI to offer three summer camps at Paradise Ridge. All camps will run from 9:30am-1:30pm. PCEI’s educators will run the Education in Nature, Growth, Awareness & Group Experiences (ENGAGE) summer camps for 4-6 year olds and Moscow Contemporary will simultaneously run the Moscow Summer Arts Program (MSAP) camps: Myths & Legends, Animal Dances in the WILD, and Water Camp for 7-12 year olds.

Paradise Ridge Camps In Collab with PCEI


• June 9-13 (5 day)
• June 16-20 (5 day)
• July 8-11 (4 day)


•July 21st-24th (4 day): 9:30am - 1:30 pm

•July 28th-July 31st (4 day): 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Note: When registering through our site you will fill out the registration form and then you will be redirected to the payment page. To be fully registered for each camp you must pay in advance. If you are having trouble registering email artsed@moscowcontemporary.org.

Cancellation Policy: All classes including Adult/Teen Workshops, ASAP, MSAP, and any other paid classes will not be refunded unless in an emergency situation. We regret that we cannot guarantee schedule change accommodations. PCEI and all MSAP programs will follow the Moscow School District’s schedule for closures. Refunds will only be given due to extreme weather or other situations that are out of our control.

Extreme Weather, Air Quality, and Other Risks Policy

Please review our liability waiver and sign before attending our classes.

Sign Form Here

Page Here

Thank you!


•August 11th-14th (4 day): 9:00am-12:00pm

•August 18th-21st (4 day): 9:00am-12:00pm

MSAP CAMPS @ Inland Oasis

•August 11th-15th (5 day): 12:00-4:00pm

  • Myths & Legends

    Myths & Legends

    Led by teaching Artist Megan Mack and writer Gianna Starble who will lead a camp around the idea of Myths & Legends. Exploring the mystery of monsters, cryptids, beasts, chimeras, and other ancient mythological legends. We will craft our own stories and art around your own mythical legend.

    June 9th-June 13th, 2025

    9:30 am - 1:30 pm


    Ages 7-13 years old

    Location: Paradise Ridge


    PCEI Educators and guests will engage 4 - 6  year olds in nature exploration through hands-on fun emersion, song, games, art and more! Each camp will have a similar rhythm to previous years and again be led by PCEI Palouse Roots Educator, Bridgette Costa and team. Activities may include: plant identification, tire swings, nature arts and crafts, visits from guests highlighting pollinators, fishing, water bugs, wildlife and nature skills. This group is focused on movement, building curiosity, wonder and appreciation.

    June 9th-June 13th, 2025

    9:30 am - 1:30 pm


    Ages 4-6 years

    Location: Paradise Ridge

  • Animal Dances in the WILD

    Outdoor summer moving, making, and exploring with rhythm games, den building, and wildly beautiful coyote, hawk and dragonfly dances. Learn animal skills and secrets with dancer and intermedia artist Corrie Befort.

    June 16th-June 20th, 2025

    9:30 am - 1:30 pm


    Ages 7-12 years old

    Location: Paradise Ridge


    PCEI Educators and guests will engage 4 - 6  year olds in nature exploration through hands-on fun emersion, song, games, art and more! Each camp will have a similar rhythm to previous years and again be led by PCEI Palouse Roots Educator, Bridgette Costa and team. Activities may include: plant identification, tire swings, nature arts and crafts, visits from guests highlighting pollinators, fishing, water bugs, wildlife and nature skills. This group is focused on movement, building curiosity, wonder and appreciation.

    June 16th-June 20th, 2025

    9:30 am - 1:30 pm


    Ages 4-6 years

    Location: Paradise Ridge

  • Water Camp

    Explore this life giving substance through art and science. We will look into the micro and macro of this great element—WATER.

    Taught by Ed Director and artist Megan Mack and M.S. Student Brianna DeCora.

    July 8th-11th, 2025

    9:30 am - 1:30 pm


    Ages 7-12 years old

    Location: Paradise Ridge


    PCEI Educators and guests will engage 4 - 6  year olds in nature exploration through hands-on fun emersion, song, games, art and more! Each camp will have a similar rhythm to previous years and again be led by PCEI Palouse Roots Educator, Bridgette Costa and team. Activities may include: plant identification, tire swings, nature arts and crafts, visits from guests highlighting pollinators, fishing, water bugs, wildlife and nature skills. This group is focused on movement, building curiosity, wonder and appreciation.

    July 8th-11th, 2025

    9:30am - 1:30pm


    Ages 4-6 years old

    Location: Paradise Ridge

  • Paper Camp

    with Rachael Eastman

    Raven Hammer Studio is partnering with Moscow Contemporary and PCEI to lead this week filled with creative activities. This week will be all about paper! From printmaking and book arts to paper making, this experience will be sure to inspire all participants. Monday and Tuesday we will meet at PCEI. Wednesday and Thursday we will retreat to Raven Hammer Studio.

    July 21st-24th, 2025

    9:30am - 1:30 pm


    Ages 6 to 12


    PCEI: 1040 Rodeo Dr in Moscow

    Day 1 and 2

    Raven Hammer Studio: 3050 Tomer Rd in Moscow

    Day 3 and 4

  • Color & Sound

    Does your child enjoy music and making art? Do they want to learn about colors in a new way and the how color influences our world? Does your child like to immerse themselves in the sounds of nature? Then this is a class for them!

    July 28th-July 31st, 2025

    9:00 am - 12:00 pm


    Ages 5 to 11

    Location: PCEI

  • The Art and Science of Food

    MosCo and Inland Oasis collaborate to bring you this exciting new camp exploring the art of food! Utilizing the Inland Oasis living room, kitchen and garden we will explore the value of nutrition, kitchen and garden safety, culinary practices, and a variety of visual arts activities including chalk pastels, photography, fiber art and more! We will use lessons and recipes developed by FRESHFARM Food Prints that utilize National Common Core & Food Education standards and supplement with original activities that address the National Core Art Standards. Our recipes will focus on no-cook produce-based snacks culminating in the skills to prepare a full 3-course meal on the last day that families are invited to enjoy! Taught by Managing Director and artist Sonja Foard with Inland Oasis Executive Director Janna Jones.

    August 11th-15th, 2025



    Ages 8-13 years

    Location: Inland Oasis

    730 W Pullman Rd. #3
    Moscow ID 83843

    Enter in the back of the building through the parking lot.

  • Camps at MosCo TBA

    Stay Tuned :)

    4 day camps

    Aug. 11-14th @ Moscow Contemporary Gallery in the Mall

    Aug. 18-21st @ Moscow Contemporary Gallery in the Mall


    5-11 year olds

Previous Summer Camps 2024

Previous Summer Camps 2023

  • Exploration of Books + Prints Summer Camp

  • Observational Drawing Summer Camp with Sonja Foard and Megan Mack

  • Alternative Photography Summer Camp with Heather Larsen

    Altering Photography Summer Camp with Heather Larsen


  • YOUTH: Art & Science of Plants

  • Immersive Sculpture Camp with Heather Larsen

Previous Summer Camps 2022

Scholarships are available for families with financial need email:

If you would like to teach a summer camp or assist during one email:

 MSAP is supported by Idaho Commission on the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the city of Moscow ARPA funds.