Paper Fish Casting Workshop
February 22nd
1:00 pm - 5:30 pm
(we will offer one 50% off for a student discount)
Learn Lonnie Hutson’s technique and process behind his paper fish casting. His paper casting uses different materials such as cotton paper pulp, natural dyes and other natural materials which are mixed together into a unique pulp. You will mix your own pulp together using materials of your choice, which will be supplied, such as natural dyes, mica, plant fibers, etc. Then you will place the pulp into a custom plastic fish mold, which was pre-made from real fish! As a participant you will take home your own paper fish cast of either a trout, arctic grayling, chiselmouth, redside shiner, or peamouth chub; plus the knowledge of this unique skill of paper casting. The paper cast will need to dry overnight so you will need to pick-up the piece the following week.
Class will be held in Moscow Contemporary’s New Space!