La primera impresión del espectador frente a un cuadro de Elvis Rosendo es que el artista no hace concesiones. Su obra no apunta nunca a una belleza convencional, de fácil consumo. Muy por el contrario, cada obra de Rosendo está destinada a producir un shock visual y psicológico en quien la contempla. Esos personajes que parecen caídos de la nada, sin origen ni destino, recalcan un sentimiento de soledad y dramatismo que se contagia de inmediato al espectador.
The viewer’s first impression of a painting by Elvis Rosendo is that the artist makes no concessions. His work never points to a conventional beauty, easy to consume. Quite the contrary, each work by Rosendo aims at producing a visual and psychological shock in those who contemplate it. Those characters that seem to have fallen from nowhere, without origin or destiny, emphasize a feeling of loneliness and drama that is immediately contagious to the viewer.
–Cosimo Mandrillo
Rosendo es un artista complejo con una obra igualmente compleja, profunda y dramática. El mundo que asoma de esta obra no es agradable, pero su representación por parte del artista es estéticamente seductora e intelectualmente provocadora.
Rosendo is a complex artist with an equally complex, deep and dramatic work. The world that emerges from this work is not pleasant, but the artist's representation of it is aesthetically seductive and intellectually provocative.
–Cosimo Mandrillo
Elvis Rosendo
Born in 1965 in Maracaibo, a famous oil city in Venezuela. In 1989 he graduated from the painting department of the Neptalf Rincon Academy of Arts in Maracaibo. In 1996, he studied at the University of Cecilio Acosta in Maracaibo and received his Ph.D. From 1997 until recently, he was a professor at the Maracaibo Academy of Art.
His works have been admired and recognized in many individual and collective exhibitions, nationally and internationally. To mention only a few: Rosendo está aquí (Rosendo is here) in Shanghai, China, the collective Zulia actual (Contemporary Zulia), at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Zulia (MACZUL) and Panfletos at the Art Centre “Lía Bermúdez” de Maracaibo. Since 1998 prestigious galleries have presented Rosendo’s works at international art fairs, including: Art America, Art Miami and Art Palm Beach in Florida; San Francisco International Art Exposition and Palm Springs International Art in California; Art International in New York, Toronto International Art Fair in Canada, Arte BA in Argentina and Feria Iberoamericana de Arte in Caracas.
Cosimo Mandrillo
Exhibit text include excerpts from poet Cosimo Mandrillo’s essay written on the occasion of a solo exhibition in Maracaibo, Venezuela in 2017.
Moscow Contemporary
Latah County Community Foundation
The Idaho Commission on the Arts
Curator Roger H.D. Rowley, Director Moscow Contemporary
Number of Works: 33 mixed media paintings 12x18in to 47x79in
Text Panels: Four bilingual panels with curatorial, artist statement and guest essay by writer & poet Cosimo Mondrillo
Didactics: In addition to exhibit info panels, age-appropriate lesson plans and K-12 tour prompts and activities
Running Feet: 100 linear feet
Security: Moderate
Fee: $6,400 per 8-week period
Shipping: Round-trip or one-way shipping, depending on schedule via white glove service*
Availability: Please contact Moscow Contemporary for more information: director@moscowcontemporary.org