Dance for

Parkinson’s +

Fun and accessible dance classes for people with PD, MS, neuro, visual or balance considerations.

Fall Weekly Classes:

Tuesdays: September 10th - November 12th


All Ages Welcome. Max capacity is 20 participants.

All Classes held in MosCo's new Palouse Mall Space:

2012 W Pullman Rd, Moscow

Park and enter at the Ross Entrance, then head right to find us, you will see our sign.

$10 suggested donation, includes friend/caregiver

Dance for Parkinson's classes offer dance, music and community in a safe and creative environment.

Taught by professional dancers trained through the Dance for PD® program and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, classes explore refreshing and stimulating movement that improves and encourages strength, coordination, balance and grace – all while having fun!

Participants may choose to be seated or standing throughout the class, all mobility aids welcome. No dance experience or diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease or MS is required to participate. Classes can also benefit folks with other neuromuscular or neurodegenerative considerations, balance issues, in recovery from injury or seeking a welcoming path into movement.

Your lead teacher is Corrie Befort, with 15 years experience teaching Dance for PD® classes, and other inclusive movement forms. She is also an internationally performing dancer/choreographer, intermedia artist and bassist with local band The Chelseas.

Learn more about the Dance for PD® Program developed by Mark Morris Dance Group and Brooklyn Parkinson Group.  

Get in touch so we can keep you posted as our Palouse Dance for Parkinson’s+ classes get up and running - and feel free to ask questions:

Corrie Befort ( is an dance-based inter-media artist working for over 20 years between film, design and performance. She loves making projects and opportunities that merge physical education with imaginative, embodied problem-solving. Her teaching prioritizes inclusive dance communities and has encompassed large-group scoring, conditioning, improvisation and formal techniques for dancers ranging from children to professionals to folks with autism, Parkinson’s, MS and recovering from trauma. Commissioned and presented internationally, her award-winning artworks include evening-length performances, large-scale sets, objects and costuming and movement-based films. Formerly based in Seattle and Tokyo/Yokohama she currently works from the rural Palouse alongside her sound-artist partner and young son. 

D4PD+ is supported by Lewis~Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation

Sign-up for one class, multiple, or all ten!

You may choose to donate $10/class online now or offer an amount of your choice, $0-$10 when you arrive for class. Advance payment is not required for registration.

Walk-ins are welcome but signing up helps us be ready for you :)